Tim arrived a little early for work, as he often did.
He started the first big pot of coffee for the team, then settled down to his desk to review [[the most recent specifications|Starting Work]] for the new braking system.As he worked through the models, Tim barely noticed the rustle of movement and murmur of morning conversation as the office came to life for the day.
Did he wave when Shan poked her head through the door to say hello?
He couldn't remember, but [[shrugged it off and kept working.|Starting Work 2]]Some time later, satisfied with what he was seeing, Tim sat back in his chair and stretched his arms.
Just at that moment, Shan appeared at his door again.
"Good morning, Tim!" she said, with slight emphasis. "I didn't want to interrupt, before, but you should know that Claudia asked to meet with the team, later. She sent [[an email to the team about it.|Starting Work 3]]""Oh, yeah. Email." Tim replied, trying hard to fake a look of chagrin. "I was planning to get around to checking email at some point this week."
Shan flashed a crooked smile at him. "You really should do that, you old Luddite."
Then, she looked more serious. "Are those the specs you're working on there? How do they look? I get the sense that Claudia is running out of patience with us; she wants us to [[get on with|Starting Work 4]] lining up vendors.""I think we're in good shape," Tim assured her. "We should be able to get production back on schedule."
There was the crooked smile, again. "We'd better! I'd hate to have my career go up in flames so soon after it started!"
"You and me both, Shan."
"Easy for you to say," she shot back, with a mock salute, "Mr. Senior Designer-Person, Sir!"
They both laughed.
"I should [[get back to it|Starting Work 5]]," she said."Email," Tim muttered to himself, adding it to his mental list of things to do. "Need to check email."
He leaned back in his chair [[looking at the the door|Starting Work 6]] - still open - from which Shan had just retreated.The entire wall behind Tim was a [[large window|Office Window]].
On the wall to his right, above some [[low book cases|Book Cases]], Tim's [[college diploma|Diploma]] was on display.
To his left was a tall [[file cabinet|File Cabinet]] and, just past it, a framed [[print|Office Art]].
The desk in front of him was dominated by his [[computer monitor|Monitor]], though off to the side was a [[peculiar clock - or was it a calendar?|Clock]].It's
(if: (history:)'s length >=25 and (history:) contains "Note from Amy" and (history:) contains "Shan Attachment")[Tim's stomach grumbles. It's time to [[go to lunch|Go to lunch]].][[Project Specifications|Specs]]
[[Look Up|Office]]The clock (link: "was the very latest in office accessories.") [itself looked like a silver tube resting on low, jet-black stand. The date time were displayed above it in a holographic projection.]
It displayed the date as well as the time: Septmber 14, 2028.
(if: (history:)'s length <=10)[And was it really past 10 o'clock already?] (elseif: (history:)'s length >10 and <25)[And was it really past 11 o'clock already? The morning is really slipping away!] (elseif: (history:)'s length >=25 and (history:) contains "Shan Attachment") [It's getting on toward noon. Time to go to lunch!]
[[Look Away|Office]]The shelves were lined with technical reference books of various kinds, most of them heavily used.
He even had his old (link: "Def Bods")[Mechanics of Deformable Bodies] textbook!
[[Look Away|Office]]The Southeastern Technological University
has conferred on
Timothy L. Carlyle
//blah blah blah//
Bachelors of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Magna Cum Laude
//blah blah blah//
Given on this, the thirteenth day of May, two thousand seventeen.
[[Look Away|Office]]The file cabinet was state-of-the-art office technology sometime back in the 1970s(link:", and it was pristine.")[. It was one of those tall, four-drawer models in a tasteful light grey. The metal of the surface showed not one scratch or dent. Each drawer was labeled with a neat, hand-lettered card in the metal holder on the front, above the handle.]
Shan and the others sometimes ribbed him about it, but what could he say? He liked paper files, and something about the design and construction of the cabinet itself appealed to him.
[[Look Away|Office]]It was a large print of a painting by (link: "Magritte") [Magritte, one of those with huge, improbable objects hovering above ordinary fields and trees].
[[Look Away|Office]]There wasn't much of a view from the window, just the building across the street, but at least it faced north. Tim found the diffuse daylight in his office soothing.
The firm's offices were high enough up that the traffic below was a soft murmur.
[[Look Away|Office]]//lots of technical stuff about a new approach to regenerative braking in electric vehicles. Tim had been working on these for the first part of the morning.
A number of minor errors and unresolved questions have been flagged.//
[[Close Specs|Monitor]]Tim sighed at the morning's avalanche of email: just since he arrived at work, twenty-two new messages had popped up! Of those, four stood out:
[[Note from Claudia|Note from Claudia]]
[[Note from Shan|Note from Shan]]
[[Note from HR|Note from HR]]
[[Note from Amy|Note from Amy]]
[[Close Email|Monitor]]
As sometimes happened, he felt a small surge of satisfaction: (link: "I have a door!") [Not many engineers in the firm had the luxury of a door, but he'd done his time out among the cubicles and work stations. It was gratifying that all that work had earned him the privilege of shutting out noise and distraction when he needed to.]
It's not that the office itself was luxurious, or even that it was very large. [[It's just that it was all his.|Office]]Some clouds later this afternoon, with a high in the mid 90s.
That's hot, Tim thought, even for Atlanta!
He checked the dewpoint: 70 degrees.
[[Close Weather|Monitor]]From: Claudia Harris
To: Tim Carlyle; Braking Systems Group
Subject: Progress Update
I understand you are planning to meet with your team this afternoon. I would like to join you, if it wouldn't be too much of a disruption.
I would like to assess for myself whether the new braking system is ready for the next phase of testing and, beyond that, making arrangments with vendors.
(if: (count: (history:), "Reply to Claudia") is 0)[[[Reply|Reply to Claudia]]]
[[Close|Email]]From: Shan Yu
To: Tim Carlyle
Subject: Today's Meeting
Hey Tim!
Since Claudia's planning to crash our meeting, this afternoon, I went back and took a look at the most recent specs. I've noted a few little things that didn't seem quite right, and marked them in the attached.
I figure you've already found all of these, but just in case . . .
Wouldn't want the team to have any unpleasant surprises while Claudia's in the room!
[[Attachment|Shan Attachment]]
[[Close|Email]]From: Human Resources Department
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Important Reminder
All employees are reminded that periodic Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms are due on September 30.
Attached please find the current policy regarding Conflicts of Interest. If you have any questions about whether and what to disclose, please be sure to contact HR or the Ombuds Office.
[[Attachment|HR Attachment]]
From: Amy Hernandez
To: Tim Carlyle
Re: Lunch?
Hey, Tim!
I haven't heard from you in a few days. Are we still on for lunch today at Chez Lui?
I look forward to catching up!
(if: (history:)'s length >=25 and (history:) contains "Shan Attachment")[//It's nearly noon!// [[//Better get moving.//|Go to lunch]]] (else:)[[[Reply|Reply to Amy]]]
[[Close|Email]]//The latest specifications for the new regenerative braking system, intended for the company's new line of electric vehicles, due out in the next model year.
A few minor errors have been pointed out, including some that Tim had missed.
He spent some time checking Shan's corrections against his own morning's work, refining the specifications ahead of the afternoon meeting with Claudia.//
[[Close Attachment|Note from Shan]]//blah blah blah// Conflict of Interest //blah blah blah//
[[Close Attachment|Note from HR]]From: Tim Carlyle
To: Claudia Harris
CC: Braking Systems Group
Subject: RE:Progress Update
Dear Claudia,
You are of course welcome to attend the meeting this afternoon!
I could tell you all about how well the team has been working, but the specs will speak for themselves.
I'm confident that we're ready for the next phase of testing, moving toward production.
[[Close|Note from Claudia]]- begin Act II -From: Tim Carlyle
To: Amy Hernandez
Re: RE: Lunch?
Sure thing! I'll see you there!
[[Close|Note from Amy]]